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Getting ready to prepare for your orthopaedic surgery away rotations and having trouble figuring out what to get? Here is a quick list of books and tools you should have to prepare you for your orthopaedic surgery away rotations.

1. Trauma Shears

Every rotating student should have a pair of trauma shears on them. This is useful in so many cases and can help you stand out as a student. I know as an intern I remember the rotater’s who were always prepared to help out and shears can do so. There may be many times you will use your shears to cut off splints, cut plaster, bandages, etc. It’s a super useful tool to have and comes in handy.

2. Handbook of Fractures

  Many times when you rotate you will most likely take some call with the residents and be able to help out. This book comes in handy as it has many of the different types of fractures, management, and treatment options. This is also a book that I still use to this day as a resident. It gives you the surgical indications, acute management, and almost everything you need for a fracture.

After you see a fracture/case, read the section in the book that covers that fractures. It typically has all of the high points and the questions you can get asked. It will make you look good if you know what to do. It’s also a great help to the intern to have a student who knows a little bit of what’s going on.

3. Netter’s Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy

This is a good book that helped me out in clinic. I used this to review anatomy and physical exams. I don’t use this book as much now but it’s still a good book to have. People say it can be a little difficult to sit down and read which I can agree with, but again it’s helpful for the relevant orthopaedic related anatomy that may not have been covered in basic anatomy class.

4. Orthobullets app

This one isn’t so much as a must have but is a great source for Orthopaedic knowledge. They have all of the Orthopaedic topics and is a common site that residents use to read up on topics. If you haven’t heard of it, you need to check it out. They also have an app that you can download on your cell phone for free called “Bullets”

Check out the site by clicking here >> Orthobullets

5. AO Surgery Reference

This one I didn’t find out about until halfway through my rotations, and this app is gold! It has basically all of the fracture types, fixation methods, and walks you through the approaches! It has what structures may be at risk (questions that you may get asked) and the surgical steps and fixation steps. Alot of residents (including me) use this to prepare for certain cases.

Check out the site by clicking here >> AO Surgery Reference Site

For the app just look up “AO Surgery Reference”

6. Pocket Pimped- The book

Now this is a new source that we have added since this post was released. This is a 270 page pocket sized book that Orthopaedic Surgery residents authored (with editing from attendings) that asks the 1500 most pertinent questions and must knows for medical students and junior residents. I can say that I have read through this book and then been asked the same questions in the OR. It’s short and sweet and simple. Very easy to read before a case or when you have some downtime.

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Written by, Wendell Cole MD . Reviewed by Jamal Fitts MD