Posts tagged with: Medical school

Draping for Orthopaedic Surgery 101

Draping can seem like a foreign language or a dance where you know none of the steps. Medical students and new interns often watch from afar as scrub techs, senior......

10 Surgical Instruments to Know for your Ortho Rotation

If you’re anything like me, when you first started your surgery rotation, your mind was probably far too occupied with figuring out what on earth you were looking at in......

Summer Research: Procrastinating Less & Pipetting More

Summer Research: Procrastinating Less and Pipetting More “Have you done any research yet?”, “What are your summer plans?” “How important is research?” These are questions medical students across the country......

So You Didn’t Match?

Like everyone else, you waited for the email that tells you whether or not you matched into your perspective field to come at 11AM EST. You were nervous, and when......

Rank lists are in… Now what ???

Yesterday made a year since I completed my final rotation of medical school. I remember walking out the hospital feeling great. 4 years of school and now I’m done. Then......