Exciting news for everyone! We listened to our viewers/listeners thoughts and suggestions and have hand crafted an Orthopaedic Surgery course designed for any rotating medical student/ upcoming orthopaedic surgery intern!
We recall a time when we were eager medical students ready to venture into the world of orthopaedic surgery. Unfortunately we did not have a home orthopaedic surgery program and didn’t know much about orthopaedic surgery. So when we went to rotate we were light years behind everybody else in terms of knowledge and understanding the general flow of how things work.
So we had to put in WORK and plenty of HOURS to catch up to everybody else. We don’t want you to start out how we did. We want you to be AHEAD of the curve and stand out on all of your orthopaedic surgery rotation.

Figure from Ortho Essentials 101 Online Course
So we decided to make this course to cover all of the basics of orthopaedic surgery that nobody teaches you! We cover a variety of topics including:
- How to Read Xrays
- How to recognize injuries
- How to read MRI’s
- High yield orthopedic surgery topics in: basic science, trauma, sports, spine, and adult reconstruction
- How to make a killer away presentation
- How to crush your rotations, step by step
- + more
We also want this course to serve as a community that can interact and learn from each other!
Don’t miss out, learn all of the tips and tricks that they don’t teach you in school!
Sign up at: courses.naileditortho.com